Research Article: Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models

Research Article: Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models This article has recently been published in Nature and authored by Bernardino Romera-Paredes and colleagues. Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated tremendous capabilities in solving complex tasks, from quantitative reasoning to understanding natural language. However, LLMs sometimes suffer from confabulations (or hallucinations) which […]

Podcast: Algorithm audits in the Digital Services Act

Podcast: Algorithm audits in the Digital Services Act This article is written by Luca Bertuzzi, and podcast by Evi Kiorri for Euractiv. The European Commission adopted the delegated act regulating the auditing of algorithms under the DSA last month. We discussed the challenges in this field and possible implications in terms of technical standards and […]

Article: Power Hungry Processing – *Watts* Driving the Cost of AI Deployment?

Article: Power Hungry Processing – *Watts* Driving the Cost of AI Deployment? This article is co-authored by Sasha Luccioni and Yacine Jernite (Hugging Face) and Emma Strubell (CMU). The energy and carbon costs of deploying AI models have largely been unknown.. until now! The authors tested 88 models on 30 datasets from 10 different tasks […]

Google’s New Gmail Tool is Hallucinating Emails that don’t Exist

Google’s New Gmail Tool is Hallucinating Emails that don’t Exist This article is authored by Maggie Harrison for Futurism. Google’s new Bard extension will apparently summarize emails, plan your travels, and — oh, yeah — fabricate emails that you never actually sent. Last week, Google plugged its large language model-powered chatbot called Bard into a bevy of Google […]

Valued at $1B, Kai-Fu Lee’s LLM startup unveils open source model

Valued at $1B, Kai-Fu Lee’s LLM startup unveils open source model This TechCrunch article written by Rita Liao, reports on Kai-Fu Lee, the venture capitalist and computer scientist wants to create an OpenAI equivalent for China. Kai-Fu Lee, the computer scientist known in the West for his bestseller “AI Superpowers” and in China for his bets on artificial […]

A glimpse of the next generation of AlphaFold

A glimpse of the next generation of AlphaFold Since its release in 2020, AlphaFold has revolutionized how proteins and their interactions are understood. Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs have been working together to build the foundations of a more powerful AI model that expands coverage beyond just proteins to the full range of biologically-relevant molecules. Deepmind, recently shared an update on […]

AI doomsday warnings a distraction from the danger it already poses, warns expert

AI doomsday warnings a distraction from the danger it already poses, warns expert This article was published in The Guardian and authored by Dan Milmo. Focusing on doomsday scenarios in artificial intelligence is a distraction that plays down immediate risks such as the large-scale generation of misinformation, according to a senior industry figure attending this […]

Challenges in evaluating AI systems

Challenges in evaluating AI systems This article authored by ANTHRO\C discusses in details the different challenges in evaluating AI systems. To read the full article, please click on this link.

Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model

Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model This article co-authored by Alexandra Sasha Luccioni, Sylvain Viguier, and Anne-Laure Ligozat estimates that BLOOM, a Large Language Model, with 176 billion parameters, emits 24.7 tonnes of CO2 during a single training. Abstract: Progress in machine learning (ML) comes with a cost to the […]