AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It’s only the beginning.

AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It’s only the beginning. This article was written by Brian Calvert for Vox. In January, the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued its forecast for global energy use over the next two years. Included for the first time were projections for electricity consumption associated with data centers, cryptocurrency, and artificial […]

The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud

The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud This article is written by Steven Gonzalez Monserrate for The MIT Press Reader. Screens brighten with the flow of words. Perhaps they are emails, hastily scrawled on smart devices, or emoji-laden messages exchanged between friends or families. On this same river of the digital, millions flock […]

Article: Power Hungry Processing – *Watts* Driving the Cost of AI Deployment?

Article: Power Hungry Processing – *Watts* Driving the Cost of AI Deployment? This article is co-authored by Sasha Luccioni and Yacine Jernite (Hugging Face) and Emma Strubell (CMU). The energy and carbon costs of deploying AI models have largely been unknown.. until now! The authors tested 88 models on 30 datasets from 10 different tasks […]

Kate Crawford: Exposing AI’s True Cost

Kate Crawford: Exposing AI’s True Cost In this interview conducted by Stephanie Hare of Prof. Kate Crawford, the author of Atlas of AI, the true environmental cost of AI is put to scrutiny. “The question of the environmental cost of AI is the biggest secret in the industry right now….All along the pipeline – the […]

Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model

Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model This article co-authored by Alexandra Sasha Luccioni, Sylvain Viguier, and Anne-Laure Ligozat estimates that BLOOM, a Large Language Model, with 176 billion parameters, emits 24.7 tonnes of CO2 during a single training. Abstract: Progress in machine learning (ML) comes with a cost to the […]

Deep Learning has a Terrible Carbon Footprint

Deep Learning has a Terrible Carbon Footprint Dr. Joy Buolamwini writes on her LinkedIn post: I’ve been thinking about the hope expressed that AI can help mitigate climate change.  Yes, AI can be used to find more efficient ways to use energy. DeepMind proved itself useful to Google in 2016 by reducing data center cooling […]

ChatGPT’s Electricity Consumption

ChatGPT’s Electricity Consumption Kaspar Groes Albin Ludvigsen estimates that ChatGPT may have consumed as much electricity as 175’000 people. He writes: Estimating ChatGPT’s electricity consumption, on the other hand, is in principle simpler, because we do not need to know in which geographic regions ChatGPT is running. Below I explain how one can go about […]

EU Parliament Votes to Require Companies to Introduce Climate Transition Plans

EU Parliament Votes to Require Companies to Introduce Climate Transition Plans Mark Segal reports for on June 1, 2023: Lawmakers in the European Parliament voted 366-225 on Thursday on new rules requiring companies to identify and address the impact of their activities and value chains on human rights and the environment, as well as […]