Marc Rotenberg: An AI Oversight

Marc Rotenberg of the Center for AI and Digital Policy, has published an open letter “An AI Oversight”. Following is the text from his LinkedIn post:

I published a Letter to the Editor in the current edition of Foreign Affairs. My letter (“An AI Oversight”) is a response to the article published by Ian Bremmer and Mustafa Suleyman – “The AI Power Paradox” – in the Sept-Oct edition.

My criticism is that they wrote that governments only recently had “begun to wake up” to the challenges of AI. That is simply not true. In fact, this work has been ongoing for many years, and there have been many successes (OECD AI Principles, G20 AI Guidelines, UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics, EU AI Act, Council of Europe AI Treaty, G7 AI Guidelines, etc).

Of course, many write about AI policy without regard to what has been accomplished. But here is the difficulty – this approach makes the problems of AI governance appear more intractable than they are. As I explained, “AI policymaking is an evolutionary process that requires paying attention to how governments are already meeting AI policy challenges.”

That is precisely the work of the Center for AI and Digital Policy which aims to train future AI leaders about the emerging norms for the governance of AI.

The original letter is attached. You can find the published version in the Nov-Dec 2023 issue of Foreign Affairs, p. 211.

To read the letter, please click on this link.

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