Evaluate your AI system

Engage in sustainable business models

Our interdisciplinary team prepared a methodology based on the most recent regulatory developments in AI Regulation. Our methodology applies regardless of the sector of activity.

We study the processes that frame the data governance and AI life cycle: the data preparation, model design, development, test, and maintenance of AI systems, as well as its impact on all stakeholders.

Our certification standard is part of the OECD toolkit on AI Trustworhiness and is based on the requirements of the EU Commission on AI.

WE are here to help you with the evaluation during the full data life cycle!

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We present CareAI, a set of methodologies and tools to assess the trust and trustworthiness of AI enabled systems with a focus on corporate responsibility. CareAI comprises of three online tools – Responsible AI Index, Organizational Trustworthiness Index and Digital Responsibility Index.

Our online tools can provide you with very precise information to improve the sustainability, the ethical and the legal aspects of your AI system. All the questions were prepared by AI experts specialized in AI ethics and eco-responsible systems.

AI Index

Trustworthiness Index

Responsibility Index


Full test

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With our self-assessment tests, you receive precise metrics that are ready to use. It will help you to make the right decisions and take your AI system to the next level, according to your values.

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